
What is cloud-native and why does it matter?

June 27, 2023
minute read

Rakuten Symphony Unified Cloud Business Unit President Partha Seetala joined a well-received 2023 DSP World Leaders Forum panel about why cloud-native is so essential.

Rather than dive deep into a technical discussion, Seetala took time to emphasize how important it is for the entire industry to be on the same page as general terms like “cloud” and “cloud-native” are tossed around, sometimes interchangeably.

His key takeaways for the audience comprising telco operator and vendor execs:

  • Cloud refers to public cloud hyperscalers offering services based on compute power consumption and the flexibility to scale and pay for resources based only on what’s required at the moment.
  • Cloud-native is all about how applications are built and packaged, levels of availability and resiliency and streamlining the application lifecycle management process in the name of speed, simplicity and agility.

Importantly, Seetala comes from the enterprise cloud community, which has been in the thick of commercial cloud deployments for nearly two decades. This informs a pragmatic perspective that recognizes where telecom strategies have fallen short and where there is opportunity to make improvements on the road to success.  

Putting cloud-native principles into practice

Seetala shared how Rakuten Mobile is using Rakuten Symphony Symcloud™ platform for monitoring and actioning driven by real-time insights. This includes software-based monitoring and policy-based actions, scaling services as needed and adapting to changes more quickly and efficiently.

He closed by reminding the audience to remain focused on the goal of providing a high-quality network at efficient costs that benefit operators and end users alike.

Video of the full session can be accessed over at Telecom TV.

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