
We are Symphony: A conversation with Nayan Sen

Suddhaloke Choudhury
Global Content and Social Media Manager
Rakuten Symphony
July 3, 2024
minute read

Marathon runner and avid photographer Nayan Sen, currently working as Principal Member of Technical Staff for the RAN BU shares his career journey and his thoughts on Rakuten's unique culture.

Tell us a little bit about your journey to Rakuten Symphony to date.

I’m originally from Kolkata, India. From my late teens, I developed a fascination with computer networks. I loved assembling various components, each with its own characteristics, and connecting with people across the globe. After completing my schooling and college, I started my professional career at a Telecom R&D company in the city. I spent 6 years there, learning a lot about the telecom domain, from low level telecom protocols to higher level orchestration technologies and high-speed networking.

Nayan enjoying a idyllic boat ride along the Sundarbans
Nayan enjoying a idyllic boat ride along the Sundarbans

In 2021, I decided to expand my horizons, step out of my comfort zone and took a leap of faith and joined Altiostar Networks in Bangalore, which is now part of Rakuten Symphony. The work here builds on my earlier experience but on a much larger scale.

Since joining the Rakuten ecosystem, I’ve loved the drive and passion of the organization, which perfectly echoes my professional values and work ethics. One of the most fascinating discoveries for me here has been the “5 Principles of Success”, a unique collection of values that forms the core of Rakuten’s culture.

What does a day in your life look like?

I work as a Principal Member of Technical Staff for a 5G SA Core product. It caters to the internal testing needs for our RAN deliverables. I lead a team of extremely enthusiastic and diligent engineers. My responsabilities include handling group meetings, planning new features for the product and coordinating with other teams across the RAN BU for support activities. In our morning meetings, we usually review work progress and discuss any potential issues, allowing us to develop a clear plan of action for the day. I also set weekly goals to make it easy to track and assess our team’s incremental progress. Currently I am working on a footprint RAN deployment setup that enables each developer to unit test code, which will improve product quality and reduce the workload on the QA team. Additionally, I consult on some other simulator products that I’ve been involved with since their initial phase of development. These products are an integral part of the testing infrastructure of our RAN deliverables and are essential in maintaining industry standards.

What do you think makes working at Rakuten Symphony unique?

The most unique aspect of Rakuten Symphony, for me, is the culture of transparency and the work ethics fostered by our leadership. It’s incredible to have the opportunity to talk with the CEO every Friday and receive the latest updates on the company’s direction, as well as the diverse verticals we invest in. Wether it’s charitable work or advancing the telecom sector, Rakuten Symphony is well-positioned to make a significant impact. Joining Rakuten Symphony has been a game changer for me. The diverse and global teams here are always embracing innovation and the latest technologies, such as AI. Rakuten’s strides in AI have not only advanced our capabilities but have also brought everyone within this organization on this journey. As Rakutenians, we are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate an AI-led world, which is a tremendous advantage.

Is there a phrase or saying or person that inspires your work?

Since childhood I have followed one quote from Swami Vivekananda, “Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached.” I feel fortunate that I have been able to come this far and be part of something that echoes that same “Always improve, always advance” philosophy. While setbacks and troughs will always be there in life, and there will be times when things seem bleak, a little faith sometimes goes a long way. I try to imbue that same feeling in my juniors and give back what I have learned from seniors, hoping that this cycle continues.

What are your hobbies outside of work that keep you going?

I like to play snooker and 8 ball pool. I also love to go on treks, latest being Hari-hara Betta, here in the state of Karnataka in India. I also love photography and you will always find my trusty Nikon D3200 slung across my shoulders on my treks.

I also strive to optimize my fitness with yoga and running sessions daily. I participate in marathons, I never win though, but it is the morning air, the people and the energy that I really enjoy.

Nayan on his way to Gurudongmar Lake, one of the highest lakes in the world at 17800ft
Nayan on his way to Gurudongmar Lake, one of the highest lakes in the world at 17800ft

So what’s next for you in your career?

Currently my focus is on the Symcore product and bringing it to a larger audience, possibly making it a revenue generating product and not just for internal testing needs. I also aim to contribute to the AI drive at Rakuten, especially by creating some patents related to AI integrated telecom.

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