Spotlight on Tech

Using Twitter to better connect and serve our customers

Rina Takamatsu
Product Manager, Symcare
Rakuten Symphony
February 1, 2023
minute read

Twitter has become a vital tool for companies to connect with their customers and provide quick and efficient customer service. With over 57.6 million users in Japan, the platform has enormous potential for businesses to engage with their audience and improve customer satisfaction. However, managing customer inquiries on Twitter can be a daunting task for companies, especially when done manually.

This is where Rakuten Symphony Omnidesk Twitter Module comes into play. Omnidesk is a customer service and support platform that streamlines the handling of customer inquiries on Twitter. With real-time tweet detection, AI-powered sentiment analysis, and auto-notification capabilities, Omnidesk Twitter Module helps improve operations and provide better customer service.

The real-time tweet automatically detects posted tweets allowing customer inquiries to be dealt with quickly and efficiently, which helps to improve customer satisfaction. The platform also uses AI and machine learning to automatically categorize tweets based on sentiment and topic, which makes it easier for companies to identify tweets that require immediate attention.

The Twitter Module also includes an auto-notification feature that sends notifications to the customer support team based on pre-configured conditions and thresholds, a feature that ensures customer inquiries are not missed and the team is always aware of any issues.

Another important feature is sending pre-configured replies and direct messages to customers. Allowing a quick and consistent response to customer inquiries helps improve customer satisfaction. The platform also includes a dashboard with detailed insights and customer feedback analysis.

With real-time tweet detection, AI-powered sentiment analysis, and auto-notification capabilities, Omnidesk Twitter Module helps improve operations and provide better customer service.

The dashboard tracks key metrics such as response times, customer satisfaction scores, and the volume of tweets. This information helps identify areas they need to improve and make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations. In addition, the dashboard can track the performance of individual team members, which allows them to identify top performers and provide additional training and support to those who need it.

Since the launch of the service, it has significantly helped reduce the time spent on customer inquiries, helping to improve customer satisfaction and thus reducing costs.

In conclusion, Omnidesk's Twitter Module has proved an essential factor in improving our operations, customer service and reducing costs.

As we lead up to MWC 23, we will continue to share our insights and best practice in the Covered Newsletter on how we look after our customers. In addition, you can visit us at the Rakuten Symphony experience zones at MWC 23 to learn more or visit our website.

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