Slice Manager

Slice Manager

Enable intent-driven lifecycle of networkslices, with automated design, instantiation, and closed-loop operations for 5Gand open cloud-native networks.

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Slice Manager

Key Benefits


•Realizezero-touch, intent-driven dynamic slicing through the complete automation ofthe entire slice lifecycle management.

•Dynamicdeployment and configuration, based on optimized resource allocation, preventover-provisioning and improve overall resource utilization efficiency.

•Ensureindustry-standard interoperability and compatibility with diverse networkelements and technologies, promoting standardized network slicing across thetelecom ecosystem.

•Througha state-of-the-art, intent-driven, and AI-ready slice orchestration andmanagement framework, it guarantees the shortest time-to-market for servicedelivery.

A Part of


The Orchestrate product family provides a centralized solution for telecom, overseeing service setup, and optimizing network efficiency. It facilitates customized services through network slicing and optimizes radio resources. The unified orchestrator simplifies operations by combining service deployment, network slicing, and advanced control in one platform, supporting the telecom industry's growth.

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