
How GDC customers benefit from pre-integrated Rakuten Cloud-Native Storage

Brooke Frischemeier
Head of Product Management, Unified Cloud
Rakuten Symphony
July 11, 2024
minute read

In this video from Google Cloud Next 2024, I address how Rakuten Cloud-Native Storage is integrated into Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) and the benefits of this pre-integration for a range of edge cloud deployments.

The theme of modernizing the network edge is gaining significant popularity and driving new deployments for various reasons, including improvements in customer experience, business continuity, just-in-time logistics management, and more. Edge cloud technology is particularly popular because new opportunities, latency requirements and compliance guidelines require data processing at the edge of the network.

Supporting these applications creates new challenges for cloud service providers. In the past, using the legacy cloud model, data can traverse thousands of miles back to a data center. This not only increases latency but also raises the likelihood that one or many of the numerous network switches and routers along the way could fail and negatively impact the real-time data flow. Additionally, continuously sending data to and from the cloud increases the attack service. Thus, processing data at the edge, near to where its created, is a significant advancement.

Companies like Google Cloud and technologies like Kubernetes make it easier than ever to deploy and efficiently secure and manage large numbers of edge cloud servers across the globe. However, there are still important decisions to be made around storage. Getting storage right is critical, because many edge-based applications require persistent storage that is reliable, secure and not dependent on the central cloud. Seamless data optimization is crucial as it enables the ability to unify the user experience across multiple nodes at the edge.

Google Cloud has partnered with Rakuten Cloud to integrate our Cloud-Native Storage technology into GDC. The Google Cloud-Rakuten Cloud collaboration took over a year in the making, and during that time, we successfully integrated with GDC’s Kubernetes infrastructure to such an extent that we offer a seamless experience in all aspects of storage functionality and management, including billing, tech support, etc. The entire process is seamless, with a single customer support interface point.

Rakuten Cloud excels at persistent storage for edge Kubernetes deployments and brings tremendous value to a GDC deployment. Be sure to view the session for more detail about the advantages of Rakuten Cloud-Native Storage and its integration with GDC.

Kubernetes Storage
Edge Cloud